Nowadays people still live from paycheck to paycheck, but now they need all the salary or wage they get to pay off their credit card. So at the beginning of the month they are already broke and have to do the rest of the month's spending on credit cards, which in turn they have to pay off at the beginning of the next month. It's a vicious cycle and a multi - billion dollar business for the banks. People will always spend more than what they have or will be able to pay off the following month and therefore have to pay obscenely high interest on their cards.
Another negative side effect is that people have such a high credit debt that they are unable to save some money for a new car, for example, or a new house. They are condemned for practically the rest of their lives to go through this repeated cycle.
Now, there are countries, like
The Germans, to stick with this example, are famous for their internal savings. The country as a whole might be indebted, like any other nation on this earth. But
Back to the States. Most young people are told to establish, early on, their credit line and it does look to them like free money. Until, that is, they start to realize that they have to pay off at some point or other these ridiculously high credits, or else. So a lot of people resort to the old trick of paying off one credit card with another, spending their lives juggling about their different credit cards. They end up with multiple banks they owe to instead of one.
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